Saturday, November 20, 2004

Teaching with the Brain in Mind

The Learning Brain
Left-sequential-more active with positive emotions.
Right-recognizes negative emotions
Frontal-forehead=judgement creativity, problems, solving, planning
Parietal-top back = processing higher sesory and language
Temporal=ears-earing, memory, meaning and language
Learing Food for brain-water, good diet, oxygen
Stimulation-new doing something
Lasting learning-cell requires less input from another the next time its activitated. Parially gene controlled.(LTP) long-term potentiation-cell is stimulated over and over so that it excites nearby cells(LTD) long-term depression-occurs when synapse is altered so its less likely to firelearning is done through alteration of synaptic activity Behavior-governed by complex emotional states and memories

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